CAT number (dcterms:identifier)
Artist's name (dcterms:creator)
Victor Cicansky (DOB: 1935)
Name of Artwork (dcterms:title)
Gallon of Fish (A/P)
Year created (dcterms:date)
Medium - broad category (dcterms:format)
Specific medium (dcterms:medium)
Earthenware & Glaze
Dimensions- H x W x D (dcterms:spatial)
9.25" x 5.5" x 5.5"
Description (dcterms:description)
a ceramic jar covered by fishes
Donated by (dcterms:contributor)
Victor Cicansky
Rights (dcterms:rights)
Collection of Artists for Kids and the Gordon Smith Gallery
Subject (dcterms:subject)
creatures, storytelling